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  • Podcast Interview: Can Do Coffee Chat with Laura Kuimba Yu, Women Leadership Strategist & Ecosystem Builder

In this podcast hosted by Gail Gibson, I share 3 “Can Do” Tips:

1. Know what success means to you.
In the process, you’ll figure out what it isn’t so that you can put your energy into the life you really want to live.
2. Become the person who’d achieve that success.
Who are you now, and who do you need to become? Identify the roadblocks and opportunities along the pathway. Trust that you can face and overcome the challenges that come your way.
3. Have the courage to move the goalposts.
There’s a saying that goes, “Cut the fishing line when you catch a crocodile, so you can live to fish another day.”
Taking the first 2 steps will ultimately lead to your growth. The real trick is learning which changes to embrace and which to resist.
#success #growth #learning #opportunities #podcast #change #leadership #mindset #resilience

Transcript: Coming Soon

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