Testimonial Form




Contact Details

Full Name (required)

Best Email (required)

Mobile Number


I appreciate receiving a brief testimonial from my clients. These highlights help me better understand your experience, and bring my services to life for others.

Here are a few prompts to help you write a great testimonial: (I used to have/experience/feel/think... But working with Laura, I learned/discovered/no longer think... Thank you for... I would recommend anyone...)

Please enter your testimonial below: 

0 of 700

* May I use your feedback in client testimonials?

  • Yes
  • No

• I would refer Laura's service(s) to others.

  • Yes
  • No

Work with Laura

• I would get value from continuing to work with Laura.

  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

What specifically are you looking for? What outcomes/results do you want?

0 of 350

Select from the following options for more information and next steps:

Anything else you'd like to add?

0 of 700

Work with Laura


 I work with business owners who want to scale and grow their business and build their teams, when you're looking for growth strategy, systems and organizational design for an established company or a growing enterprise.


 I work with individuals and teams for better performance across a wide spectrum of leadership and influence spheres in business, NGOs, social and family. Whether leading yourself or a team of 100 people, you'll reap the rewards from developing the skills to strengthen your leadership identity.


 “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” - Aristotle.

I work with people to gain clarity, step into their purpose, and increase their productivity. When you optimize your lifestyle, you will enjoy your best life. 


I believe each one of us is uniquely crafted with purpose and power to reflect God's reality in the world. My calling is to empower you to discover and fulfill your destiny by overcoming the obstacles along your spiritual path.

Transformation and impact are sustained by a robust framework of various components.

My experience starting and running both companies and teams across multiple countries and cultures; and being on the board of global NGOs in addition to my certification in Emotional Intelligence and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) enables me to tap into and unlock the extraordinary potential and power of synergy.

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